Artist Statement

Jason Taylor Morgan

Artist’s Statement


Painting came to me late in life, at 66 years old. A retired novelist and poet, it was an unexpected gift to teach myself to paint during Covid’s long isolation. My poetry is free verse, flowing with and punctuated by poignant visual imagery, symbolism, and abstractions. My artwork is its mirror image in paint - visual abstractions in acrylic that flow with poetic movement and imagery, soulful and ethereal energy, and magical thinking.

I rarely paint figuratively. My goal is to open your imagination and touch your inner eye, your senses, your emotions, your soul. And to inspire you to let go of literal thought and literal interpretation to feel something more organically understood, unconsciously familiar, and perhaps transformational stir within you.

“I paint what comes to me in the moment, like performing at a poetry slam. I want you to feel my paintings as much as see them.”

As a retired novelist and poet, very often the titles are as crucial to the painting’s identity as the paint in a harmony of dissimilar mediums. I call my artwork “visual poetry.”


At 66-years-old, during Covid’s long isolation, I woke one day feeling compelled to buy acrylic paint, canvas boards and an easel. Because I have no visual art training and little figurative drawing talent, I allowed myself to paint in abstract whatever came to mind in whatever way it wished to express itself, progressing instinctively.

After nearly a year of exploring, I created naturally, but by necessity if I were to progress beyond amateur painting, my own nearly brushless painting technique I call “reversalling.”

Then, another morning, I woke up and knew I will now paint 5 x 7in. art cards, each an original work, titled and signed, small emotive experiences, like visual free verse poems. My art cards began to sell almost immediately. Within months, I progressed to more thoughtful and intricate “reversalling” painting. Within a year, The Cloverdale Arts Alliance Gallery in Cloverdale CA invited me to be the Guest Artist for their 11/22 exhibition. Then, in early 2023, a Resident Artist. And Featured Artist in our 11/23 exhibition.


As I close out my third year painting, my work is more daring, more substantial, more mature. Still influenced by a poet’s love of color, abstraction, and imagery, my work is visual representations of feelings, longings, emotions, visions. The stories I tell in acrylic suggest the transformative power of magical thinking. Metaphorical snapshots. Visits to the ethereal world.

My art teachers? Not artists, schools, or styles. I paint what comes to me in the moment, like performing at a poetry slam. I am stirred by the magnificence and magic of color. Colors of the natural world, the colors of the Impressionists, the colors I see in my mind. I am inspired by imagery in poetry and literature. By small moments in everyday life. By visions, longings, dreams. By flowers, waters, woodlands. By clouds and cloud patterns. By emotive music. By beauty. By the subconscious. By the ethereal world.

My artwork is ever evolving, and I am still following my instincts, spontaneously.

Reversalling Process

I put random and deliberately placed varying sized blotches of paint on a flat surface and press and manipulate 140 lb. high grade paper into it face-down with my hands. Over the years, I have developed a kind of sixth sense in knowing where to place the paper into the paint that I cannot see (through the paper) to achieve the visions in my mind that I can see. I begin a painting by creating a textured foundation with the day’s color palette. Often enlivening the paint with various amounts of gloss pouring liquid to create my textures and a uniquely atmospheric color story. Then, it is all about the movement of the paper.

I add more color elements, primary gestures, and aftereffects with more reversalling, or with palette knives, paintbrush handles, paper towels, fingers, tiny squeeze bottles, cardstock edges, fork tines, whatever is within grasp while the paint is still wet. I paint quickly. My paintings have a deliberate thematic visual through line. They possess peaceful/chaotic, graceful/raw elements. But everything is improvised. Everything is spontaneous. It’s all just suddenly there. Like a pleasing jazz piano solo, ending on a satisfying chord.


Born in 1955, a Literature & Writing major, Bard College, 1977, I am a well-traveled native Bostonian, retired from three meaningful professional careers: marketing and analyst relations agency senior executive in the Technology Industry. Then an about face as an energy healer for emotional trauma, advanced consciousness teacher, and seminar leader. And throughout those years: author of five novels. Now, in my late 60s, with all those past iterations of me quietly assimilated or released, I explore this new, wondrous passage as a visual artist.

A resident artist with the Cloverdale Arts Alliance Gallery, with ten exhibits of my artwork to date, I live peacefully and happily in the delightful little city of Cloverdale, known for its dedication to the arts, in Sonoma County, Northern CA.

Jason Taylor Morgan

My first gallery exhibition: Guest Artist, Cloverdale Arts Alliance Gallery, Cloverdale California, November 2022 - January 2023.

My sixth (of ten now) gallery exhibition: Featured Artist, Cloverdale Arts Alliance Gallery, Cloverdale California, November 2023 - January 2024.

My artwork can be seen at: